Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 16-21 Broken

Oh man.. i broke the code harcore.. Hamburgers( with kobe beef AMAZING)!! and Home cooking..hey it was a special weekend with friends and fam. So im back now and man once you break it, its hard to get back in track. Well weighed in on monday at 238. Not bad for being in the 30's. I just hope i can hold off in the next couple of weekends so i can see more success. Well I bought a pair of skinnys at urban and the thing with urban clothes is that they never fit my fat bass. and they were only carrying a size like 36 max which never really were 36s. I bought some without even trying (50% off of clearance so like $10 AMAZING) and wow they are kinda loose too. had to have a belt. Awesome. I likey Likey.


  1. what a depressing end to your blog..."broken"
    jesus will help you if you let Him!
