Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 13-15 weigh in

well its weigh in time.. uh..uh...uh..uh...  240.  Wait retry it...... yep 240.  Very nice ken.. for not workin out im losing inches (my pants are falling off all the time) and belt holes are being made and i just feel a lot more fit.. losing some of that face fat.  I have fallen in love with eating lentils...  Just flavor em and bam.. pretty much eat as much as you want.. they are so low in calories.. Im full ( yet gassy some times)  but ill be looking forward to fininshing this diet and doing the Lentil diet.  I will continue to do the best i can to stay true and maintain my diet..but hey im not too perfect.. but weight loss is weight loss.  One thing this diet has shown me is to actually take the time to look on the back of packages for nutrional information..  I never realized how many calories are in bread and other goodies i used to eat constantly.  TIme to keep losin those lbs.